We are excited to announce that we will be at Carlisle Photo Festival 2014, in November – www.carlislephotofestival.co.uk as well as Manchester’s Free For Arts Festival in October. More info to follow regarding Swapshop dates and exhibitions.

Previous exhibitions and swapshops:

Brighton Photo Fringe, as part of Miniclick’s series of events. The Phoenix, Brighton 23rd-24th November from 11am-5pm. There was also a panel discussion on the nature of possessions on Saturday 23rd. Podcast available soon….

Altrincham Arts Festival, 17th October 2013 until 27th October 2013, 61 George Street, Altrincham, WA14 1RJ, Launch night: 17th October, 7.30pm until late.
Swap shop days: Everyday from 10.30am-5pm.

Since ancient history, we have recognised the influence material possessions can have on us. Kings and emperors used possessions to distribute power. Religious devotees refuse any worldly possessions to be able to focus on their spirituality.  Today’s consumerist society sells status symbols as identities. Minimalist movements reject personal baggage in favour of travelling light. Possessions and objects have a variety of roles, some of which are purely functional, others are deeply linked with our idea of self. What do these objects represent, and what do they say about us?

Prompted by this year’s LOOK/13 photography festival theme – ‘Identity’ – Sarah and Yujiang embarked on a journey to explore the intimate link between possessions and the self. Through the process of giving up emotionally charged possessions, they explore the personal impact of these relinquishments. The process of documenting the sacrificed objects through photography and film serves a dual purpose – as an integral part of the personal process, the first step of letting go; and as a reflection on the role of the image as a significant archival document. Can the camera capture anything of the emotion invested in an object, the memory, the “soul”?

You are invited to explore the process for yourself at one of our “Swap Shop” days, where we pose the question: can you give up an object of personal importance in exchange for a photograph of it?

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