
One of my best friends bought me this purse from a shop in Leeds around 8 years ago. She had one herself and I mentioned I loved it – and she got me one. She (Maria) dies of cancer almost exactly 3 years ago. She was 33. I loved her dearly – as well as being a friend, she was a creative collaborator. We did so many projects together and played together like giddy children. The zip broke on the purse for the second time last year and I had to stop using it. I bought another exactly the same to replace. This purse has always been a reminder of Maria, and of our friendship and artistic work together.

It’s 3 years since Maria passed. I feel like I’m only beginning to get over it now – if that can ever happen. This for me is a symbolic gesture of letting go, with love. She was an artist-photogher so I think she would like that I’m giving her purse to this project.
